Säləs apparel was created to reflect certain beliefs we deem erroneous in society today, and to alter them to be viewed differently. Säləs, the phonetic spelling of “solace,” means “comfort in times of distress or sadness.” Our message is not born of hate. We are creating a new culture, using fashion as a medium. We hope to collaborate our vision with all companies and brands that align with our values. We yearn and deserve Säləs in our lives. This is only the beginning.
Our main goal is to save animals in need by creating non-kill animal shelters because to animals, we are their solace. We are currently taking action to save pets without a home by donating to non-kill shelters that already exist; but, we need your help. Wearing Säləs represents bringing solace to animals in need. Together, let’s create a community that protects those that cannot protect themselves.